1. Home

Trefoil Guild - a membership organisation for you.

Get involved

Get involved in an exciting programme of activities, learn new skills, or listen to fascinating speakers. We have so much to offer at a local level as well as in our wider counties, countries and regions.

Find friendship

Trefoil is open to everyone aged 18 and over and a fantastic opportunity make new friends for life. Meet others in your local area and join with Trefoil friends all across the UK and beyond.

Give support

Trefoil is a place where you can give back and give support. Whether this is to your community or causes important to you, supporting your friends and members, or finding support for yourself.

Get active

We support you to get active in your communities and with Trefoil members. Activate your skills or try new challenges to grow and learn with your Trefoil family.

Join thousands of Trefoil members and create adventures and challenges of your own.

Trefoil is all about finding a space for you to be you. Where you can make new friends, try new activities, learn new skills, and support your community - however small or large it is. Find your local Trefoil today, and join our network of members across the UK and overseas.

Dates to remember


North East England

4 night trip to Hautbois

London and South East England

LaSER Trefoil Holiday

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